Course Prerequisite: CHE 3473 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, CHE 3723 - Numerical Methods for Engineering Computation, MATH 3113 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
Course Description: Fundamentals of rates, homogeneous isothermal reactions, non-isothermal reactions, reactors and design, heterogeneous reactions, fixed and fluidized bed reactors, experimental data reduction, and non-ideal flow reaction systems.
2024 Spring | 43 students
2025 Spring | 53 students
2026 Spring | (scheduled)
CHE 5113 Data Science for CHEMICAL Engineers
Course Prerequisite: Graduate standing, or instructor permission
Course Description: This course provides an overview of data science techniques for chemical engineers. The course will broadly cover a variety of advances in data collection, data storage, visualization, and introduces a broad array of machine learning techniques (e.g., supervised, unsupervised, etc.) and applications (e.g., regression, dimensionality reduction, classification) to chemical data sets with a focus on practical examples in chemical engineering. Good programming practices are discussed. Students will need to be comfortable with scientific programming using Python.
2024 Fall | 5 students + 5 observers
2026 Fall | (scheduled)
CHE 5063 Sustainable Energy Applications
Course Prerequisite: Graduate standing, or instructor permission
Course Description: This course presents the fundamental concepts of thermal-, electro-, and photo-catalysis and then builds on that knowledge to cover important sustainable energy conversion applications. Topics to be covered include fuel cells, water electrolyzers, CO2 conversion to valuable fuels and chemicals, ammonia synthesis, batteries, and other state-of-the-art technologies.
2023 Spring | 13 students
2025 Spring | 18 students