M.Sc. Data Science and Analytics, (joined the Gunasooriya Lab, Spring 2024)
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, University of Oklahoma, USA, 2023

Michael was born in Accra, Ghana. His passion for learning led him to incorporate machine learning into solving chemical engineering problems. After completing his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering in May 2023, where his interest in data science was piqued during the Elements of Statistics course in his sophomore year, Michael embarked on a Master's program in Data Science and Analytics at the University of Oklahoma in August 2023. In the Gunasooriya lab, Michael focuses on implementing machine learning methods to create models that predict catalytic materials. These models complement the use of Density Functional Theory. His research aims to contribute to advancements in the field of chemical engineering. Outside the academic realm, Michael enjoys watching soccer games, with Arsenal being his favorite team. In his free time, he indulges in watching Smithsonian documentaries, showcasing his diverse interests beyond the world of data science and engineering.