
2024.06 Keishana received the Kircher scholarship from the department which includes $1000.
2024.05 Kasun received the highly competitive 2024 ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from Oak Ridge Associated Universities.
2024.05 Keishana received the 'Oustanding Teaching Assistant' award for the academic year 23-24.
2023.11 Kasun is presenting recent work from the group at the 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting.
2023.10 Kasun visited the Petroleum and Petrochemical College at Chulalongkorn University as a visiting professor to teach Heterogeneous Catalysis.
2023.10 Kasun represented the University of Oklahoma delegation at the Hydrogen Americas Summit & Exhibition hosted by the Sustainable Energy Council and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) at Ronald Reagan International Trade Center, Washington DC.
2023.09 Arnold joined Gunasooriya Lab at OU Sustainable Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering!
2023.08 Kasun is presenting his recent work at ACS Fall San Francisco.